The 2024 United Nations Civil Society Conference, hosted at the UN Office of Nairobi in Nairobi, Kenya, brought together thousands of Civil Society Organizations from around the world in the lead-up to the Summit of the Future. The conference was the first UN-hosted Civil Society Conference in the Global South, creating an engagement opportunity for CSOs from around the world that might not otherwise be able to secure a visa or finance the high cost of travel to New York or Geneva. As the TAP Network, we enjoyed the opportunity to engage our TAP Network Members & Partners throughout the conference, both through informal meetings over coffee and lunch, and through a #SDG16Now Campaign Workshop.
The TAP Network, along with The Baha’i International Community co-sponsored a #SDG16Now Workshop which kicked off a 6 week-long consultation process on the development of the #SDG16Now Campaign Priorities along with the support of many core partners including The Quaker UN Office, Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just & Inclusive Societies, Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, MY World Mexico, Forus International, and CIVICUS.
The TAP Network’s #SDG16Now Campaign is a global civil society campaign to support accelerated action towards SDG16+ around peaceful, just and inclusive societies. At the halfway point to the 2030 delivery date for the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, the campaign calls on governments and the international community to seize upcoming opportunities to bring progress towards the SDGs back on track.
Interested in learning more and joining the #SDG16Now Campaign? Sign-up for our listserv here.
As the world faces more conflicts than ever before, diminishing prospects to foster peace, justice and inclusion in society at large remains a great threat to sustainable development. The geopolitical context in which we operate is increasingly complex due to conflict and the declining trust in institutions and SDG 16 provides the groundwork for addressing these challenges
In the context of SDG 16’s thematic review at the 2024 HLPF, September’s Summit of the Future and 2025’s World Social Summit and Financing for Development Conference, there are high-level opportunities to call on decisionmakers to place peace, justice, inclusion and accountability at the heart of multilateralism and the UN
The #SDG16Now Campaign workshop began the process to identify priorities that span across 5 main themes: Peace, Justice, Inclusion, Institutions, and Interlinkages & Financing. Discussions were framed to identify “big-ticket”, cross-cutting priorities that act as either enablers or roadblocks to SDG16 or the SDGs overall, unite colleagues and organizations across different thematic spaces around SDG16, and go beyond just a reiteration of asking governments to deliver on their existing commitments to SDG16 issues/targets.
The workshop held breakout discussions on the aforementioned themes and some of the salient observations are named below.
Justice & Rule of Law:
Inclusion, Civic Space & Human Rights:
Institutions & Accountability:
Interlinkages & Financing:
Justice & Rule of Law:
Inclusion, Civic Space & Human Rights:
Institutions & Accountability
Interlinkages & Financing