2024 High-Level Political Forum with the TAP Network

Join the TAP Network as we participate in the United Nations High-Level Political Forum from Monday, 8 July to Thursday, 18 July.

TAP at the HLPF

The 2024 HLPF represents an important milestone with SDG 16 under review for a second time. Now past the “halfway point” to the 2030 Agenda, this year’s HLPF provides an important opportunity to reflect on backsliding progress towards SDG16+, and examine solutions for turning things around in the second half of implementation towards 2030. At the 2024 HLPF, the TAP Network will look to build further momentum around its #SDG16Now Campaign. See below for opportunities to get involved with us at the HLPF!

16 Days for #SDG16

The 16 Days for SDG16 toolkit provides daily actions and engagements for folks to participate in both in-person and virtually. Access the toolkit for more details. Be on the lookout for our daily “Whats On TAP?” Newsletter for information about each day’s engagements.

The HLPF Information Sheet includes all relevant details regarding the official HLPF programme, TAP Network & #SDG16Now Campaign events/activities, and a database of events related to SDG 16. By completing this Google Form you can have your own events added to our database, but you can also use the Information Sheet simply to find out what’s going on any given day!

TAP Network's Events at the 2024 HLPF

“From Margins to Mainstream: Achieving SDG 16 through Inclusive Decision-Making”


Tuesday, 9 July 2024
13:15 – 14:45 EDT

Location: Church Center for the UN, 8th Floor

Organized by: Forus, TAP Network, UNDP

This side event will assess the trust deficit, illustrate how inclusive decision-making can be facilitated, and emphasize the critical role of civil society in fostering transparent, accountable, and effective governance. 

“Voices of SDG16+ –
Stories for Global Action”


Wednesday, 10 July 2024
8:30 – 9:45 EDTVirtual Event


Organized by: Voices of SDG16+ Campaign 

Annual hosting of the Voices of SDG16+ Campaign video campaign, and showcasing videos selected from 2024 video campaign, as well as updates from previous Voices of SDG16+ alumni.

“SDG16 as an Enabler”


Wednesday, 10 July 2024
13:15 – 14:45 EDT UN Conference Room 11


Organized by: Voices of SDG16+ Campaign 

This event will highlight the interlinkages between SDG 16 and the 2030 Agenda drawing from the findings of its new report, and showcase how policymakers working across the 2030 Agenda can accelerate action on development outcomes by supporting and investing in SDG 16 moving forward. In partnership with Member States, Civil Society and other stakeholders, this event will also highlight the importance of partnerships for the effective implementation of SDG 16 and its impact on all other goals of the 2030 Agenda. 


“TAP Network & #SDG16Now Partners Strategy Luncheon”


Thursday, 11 July 2024
13:10 – 14:45 EDT

Location: Church Center for the UN, Second Floor

Organized by: TAP Network and the #SDG16Now Campaign

Join us for an informal discussion around the #SDG16Now Campaign. The lunch will provide an informal opportunity for networking, learning and sharing, as well as an opportunity for brainstorming on strategy for in preparation for the upcoming Summit of the Future and beyond.

“Beyond Rhetoric:  

SDG16+ Roundtable Dialogue at the 2024 HLPF” 

Thursday, 11 July 2024
18:15 EDT

Location: TBC


Organized by: TAP Network Accountability Lab, AfP, CSPPS, IDLO, International IDEA, Pathfinders, UNDP, UN Foundation

Informal Roundtable discussion on SDG16+, with an aim to identify and explore key areas for collective action, mobilization and financing in a frank and open discussion amongst key SDG16+ partners. This will be the third in a series of informal dialogues in 2024, building upon sessions held in the margins of the World Bank Fragility Forum and SDG16 Conference.

“#SDG16Now: Mobilizing for Urgent Action on Peace, Justice, and Inclusion”


Friday, 12 July 2024
13:15 EDT

Church Center for the UN, SECOND FLOOR


Organized by: TAP Network and the #SDG16Now Campaign

Join the #SDG16Now Campaign at the 2024 HLPF as we mobilize around the SDG16 Thematic Review. This event will also launch the #SDG16Now Campaign’s key messages, and will look to bring together key partners and champions for SDG16, identifying key opportunities to catalyze ambitious action for #SDG16Now at all levels. 

“Promoting a Nexus Approach to SDGs: Interlinking SDG 16 and 17”


Friday 12 July, 15:30 ET


Location: Mission of the Republic of Korea to the UN

Organized by: KCOC, APSD, ADA, A4SD, CIVICUS, TAP, GCAP, Forus

Join us for this event co-hosted by the Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation (KCOC), Asia Civil Society Partnership for SDGs (APSD), Asia Development Alliance (ADA), Action for Sustainable Development (A4SD) in partnership with the CIVICUS, Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP), Forus International, TAP Network with support from the Permanent Mission of Republic of Korea tp the UN in New York and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). 


National Practices in the Localisation SDG16+: Lesson Learned towards a more Transformative Global Policy”

Wednesday 16 July 2024
8:30 EDT


Quaker House (247 E48th Street, New York, NY 10017)


Organized by: TAP Network  

Informal breakfast dialogue discussion will provide a space for an informal discussion among development experts within Member States, the UN and civil society on the ways in which various stakeholders operationalise SDGs and identify ways in which the global policy processes can support SDG localisation efforts. The goal of the discussion is to identify concrete entry points in global policy to support localisation needs of governments and the people.

“The Interlinkages Between SDG 16 and Poverty Eradication (A SDG 16 Data Initiative Event)”


Thursday 17 July 2024
8:30 EDT / 12:30 UTC

Virtual event


Organized by: SDG16 Data Initiative Partners

On behalf of the SDG 16 Data Initiative (SDG16DI), the Centre for Law and Democracy, International IDEA, TAP Network, and the World Justice Project will co-host an online side event in the margins of the United Nations High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on 17 July 2024. The purpose of the event is to showcase the Initiative’s work in collecting and analyzing non-official data and indicators to measure progress towards SDG 16, with a particular focus on the theme of the SDG 16 Data Initiative’s upcoming report for this year, namely on the interlinkages between SDG 16 and poverty eradication.

Events and Resources by TAP Members and Partners

Find below the details of the events TAP Members, Partners and Collaborators are hosting around the dates of the 2024 HLPF.  Submit your own organization’s event to be featured via this Google Form.