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TAP Storytelling
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TAP Storytelling - Read Curating Tomorrow's guest blog "Building capacity for SDG16+ through museums, libraries and other public institutions" on the TAP Blog Platform at
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Basic Information
Organization Name:
Curating TomorrowOrganization Regions:
- Global
Organization Country Location:
United Kingdom -
Organization City/Locality:
White - Other
Operating Languages:
- English
Organization mission and work description:
Curating Tomorrow is a consultancy for museums and the heritage sector, helping them draw on their unique resources to enhance their contributions to society and the natural environment, the Sustainable Development Goals, climate action, human rights, Disaster Risk Reduction and nature conservation. Curating Tomorrow also applies the museum-based skill of curating to thinking about and addressing real-world challenges, not necessarily involving museums or museum collections.
Organization's Contacts
Primary Contact Name:
Henry Andrew McGhie -
Primary Contact Title:
Additional Contacts Names:
Additional representative #1:
Additional representative #2:
Additional representative #3:
Additional representative #4:
Learn about TAP Members & Partners
WHO ARE TAP'S MEMBERS?Organization's Work & Expertise
Organization's SGD16 Expertise:
- 16.3 - Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
- 16.6 - Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
- 16.7 - Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
- 16.b - Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development
Organization's Areas of Expertise:
- Global/UN Engagement & Advocacy
- Policy Analysis & Advocacy
- SDG Data and Indicators
- Public mobilization & Campaigns
- Capacity building/CSO training & education
Current Commitment to SDG16+
Summary of commitment:
I commit to increasing the transparency of my own organisation, by developing my first sustainability report within the next 18 months. I commit to supporting others to increase accountability.
Organization's priorities and work in relation to commitment:
1. Develop a sustainability report, 2. Publish Mainstreaming the SDGs in Museums: a framework for planning and action, 3. Support the development of, and take part in, a UNESCO-Latvian Museums Association conference on Localising the SDGs in Museums and Libraries, 4. Undertake a Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship in 2022 on Museums, climate action and the SDGs, of which transparency and accountability will be key parts.
Organization's work related to TAP network's SGD16+ work & accountability for 2030 Agenda:
Empowering communities: museums reach millions of people each year, yet their potential is not even remotely realised. By using rights-based approaches, I promote an approach focussed on the right to development, that people are the central subject of empowerment. Empowerment also involves empowering the museum sector to empower others, by raising awareness of, and building capacity to use, the SDGs. Localisation: museums are a global network but situated in local contexts. Applying the SDGs to museums in ways that address these contexts and challenges supports localisation. Monitoring and accountability: raising awareness of museums' relationships with human rights raising awareness of their responsibility as duty bearers. Monitoring is supported by supporting museums etc. to align their work to the SDGs, and use their targets to drive action, set indicators and monitor progress, that should be reported and communicated upon.
Plan on engaging in TAP's work as a Partner:
- Regional Engagement Platforms and/or Regional Focal Point
- Thematic Working Groups
- Substantive contribution to any TAP Network resources or advocacy materials
Voices of SDG 16+: Stories of Global Action
Reports on Organization's Past Commitments
I commit to participate in discussions on how the SDGs can be implemented effectively, in specific, action-focussed ways, what the metrics would be, and how the story would get told (reporting and qualitative story-telling for advocacy and public-focused purposes). Since making that commitment, I have written 2 freely accessible guides on museums and Disaster Risk Reduction, and museums and human rights, linked to the SDGs. I have written a guide Mainstreaming the SDGs in Museums, which is a framework for planning and action. A key element of this is goal-setting, monitoring, communication and transparency. This will be avilable in August/September.