Civil Society Advance Forum on Sustainable Development (CAS2030)
Nigeria /Delta and Abuja
  • Contact
  • Work & Expertise
  • Current Commitment
  • Past Commitment
  • Resource

Basic Information

Organization Name:
Civil Society Advance Forum on Sustainable Development (CAS2030)
Organization Regions:
  • Africa
  • Organization Country Location:
  • Organization City/Locality:
    Nigeria /Delta and Abuja
Operating Languages:
  • English
Organization mission and work description:

The High Level Political Forum on SDGs held in New York, July 2017 revealed the need for a more engaging and inclusive platform for CSOs in Nigeria to engage the sustainable development agenda. During the course of the HLPF 2015, CSOs committed themselves to undertaking actions that have the potential to shape the future of people through the implementation of the SDGs. While there are mixed views in civil society about whether the 2030 development agenda can deliver on ending poverty, ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition, ensuring healthy lives and promoting well being, promoting gender equality, ensuring environmental sustainability among other things, it was unanimously resolved that civil society needs to play an active role in keeping the spotlight on these commitments, working on implementation, and holding the leaders accountable for the actualization of the goals. While our process of mobilization has revealed widespread enthusiasm, It was felt that a new national platform is critical to achieving added value to civil society initiatives on sustainable development. The alliance has membership strength of over 200 NGOs across the 36 states in Nigeria. Vision To build solidarity among organizations across the country and build linkages between local organizations, National and International level organizations. Mission: To harness the positive energy created through civil society initiatives and build a strong and inclusive platform to connect and support civil society activities on sustainable development at all levels (local, national, regional and global). So far, there has been much interest in our space for sharing information on the sustainable development agenda across issues and across the country. CAS2030 would provide a space to share resources and strategies for advocacy, policy, programmes and mobilisation and facilitate collaboration amongst civil society actors and other development partners. Finally, there are issues of inequality and the need to rectify the imbalance in capacity within civil society itself, especially between well-resourced CSOs and the community based groups. AIM CAS2030 aims to engage with the sustainable development agenda and commits to collectively empower the marginalized and vulnerable persons to campaign against hunger, inequality and injustice. OBJECTIVES 1. To contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through research, advocacy and education for all. 2. To develop and provide new knowledge and promote the uptake of development policies that will address the issues of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 3. To advocate, evaluate and facilitate responses for the Sustainable Development Goals, to meet the need of all sectors of society, particularly the most vulnerable and marginalized. 4. To promote and strengthen the underlying principles of the Global Goals and targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through collaborative efforts of civil societies at National, Regional and International levels 5. To create a sense of corporation, mutual harmony and affection amongst the members of the forum

Organization's Contacts

  • Primary Contact Name:
    Amb. Caroline Usikpedo
  • Primary Contact Title:
Additional Contacts Names:
  • Additional representative #1:
    Dr. Ejiro Esiekpe
  • Additional representative #2:
    Sylvester Itimi
  • Additional representative #3:
  • Additional representative #4:


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Organization's Work & Expertise

Organization's SGD16 Expertise:
  • 16.1 - Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere
  • 16.2 - End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children
  • 16.3 - Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
  • 16.5 - Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
  • 16.6 - Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
  • 16.7 - Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
  • 16.8 - Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance
  • 16.a - Strengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for building capacity at all levels, in particular in developing countries, to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime
  • 16.b - Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development
Organization's Areas of Expertise:
  • Accountability for the 2030 Agenda
  • Policy Analysis & Advocacy
  • Public mobilization & Campaigns
  • HLPF and UN Development System Reform
  • Gender Equality

Current Commitment to SDG16+

Summary of commitment:

We hope to advance SDG 16+ and SDG accountability in 2021-2022 by engaging all relevant actors to promote inclusive society, advocate for good governace and engage in social accountability trainings for organizations and institutions.

Organization's priorities and work in relation to commitment:

Organizing social accountability trainings, sensitizations and advocacy programs

Organization's work related to TAP network's SGD16+ work & accountability for 2030 Agenda:

CAS2030 was formed To harness the positive energy created through civil society initiatives and build a strong and inclusive platform to connect and support civil society activities on sustainable development at all levels (local, national, regional and global).

Plan on engaging in TAP's work as a Partner:
  • Regional Engagement Platforms and/or Regional Focal Point
  • Thematic Working Groups
  • Interest in leadership/coordination opportunities within the TAP Network
  • Global engagement via the UN and other opportunities
  • TAP Network joint global advocacy
  • Exploring opportunities for hosting TAP Network national or regional-level capacity building activities


Voices of SDG 16+: Stories of Global Action

Reports on Organization's Past Commitments

The Civil Society Advance Forum on Sustainable Development (CAS2030), Nigeria commits to implement SDG Goal 16 and all its targets and Indicators to promote accountability for the 2030 Agenda. CAS2030 aims to engage with the sustainable development agenda and commits to collectively empower the marginalized and vulnerable persons to campaign against hunger, inequality and injustice. Knowing that Goals 16 ā€œPeace, Justice and Strong Institutionsā€, and SDGs 17 ā€œPartnerships for the Goalsā€ are both central to Agenda 2030 and are enablers for progress in achieving all other goals, we commit to partner with TAP Network to use the SDGs Accountability handbook