About the TAP Network
The Transparency, Accountability, and Participation (TAP) Network is a broad international coalition of civil society organizations (CSOs) working together to advance SDG16+ to promote peace, justice, and inclusive societies, and to help enhance accountability for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The TAP Network includes hundreds of civil society organizations operating in every region of the world, with TAP’s work evolving to not only coordinate collective global advocacy on behalf of its members, but to also provide indirect or direct support to its members to advance SDG16+ and SDG accountability in their own contexts.
The TAP Network includes and engages some of the foremost expert organizations working to advance SDG16+ and social accountability at all levels. TAP’s membership includes a diverse range of organizations, including local and grassroots groups, national, regional and thematic CSO networks, and international NGOs and independent think tanks.
TAP’s work also reinforces the assertion that SDG16+ and accountability for the 2030 are inextricably linked, and that efforts to deliver on the SDGs require participatory and inclusive institutions that are accountable to the very people that the 2030 Agenda pledges to “leave no one behind.”
Our Partners
TAP Network “Partners” are organizations that take part in the substantive work of the TAP Network, and make explicit commitments to implementing SDG16 or towards accountability for the 2030 Agenda. In exchange for making these commitments, “Partners” enjoy an exclusive set of benefits and privileges.
Our Secretariat
The TAP Network is supported by a dedicated Secretariat who are responsible for taking forward the day-to-day work and management of the Network overall
Our Members
TAP Network “Members” are organizations that can register to stay up-to-date on TAP’s work and can loosely contribute to taking TAP’s substantive work forward. They are able to share in the information and intel-sharing and general updates that the TAP Network has become known for.
Our Steering Committee
The TAP Network is led by a member-elected five-person Steering Committee, who serve two-year terms and represent the leadership of the TAP Network overall.
Our Vision
Transform people, institutions, and societies to support lasting change for a more peaceful, just, inclusive, accountable and sustainable world at all levels
Our Mission
Building and fostering a community of empowered civil society actors working to advance SDG16+ at all levels, and to hold governments accountable to the SDGs more broadly
Our Goals
Empowering Communities
SDG Localization & Capacity Building
Monitoring & Accountability
Featured Resources & Initiatives

SDG Accountability Handbook
The SDG Accountability Handbook seeks to support national-level civil society hold their government accountable for commitments made in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda), including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SDG16 Data Initaitve
The SDG16 Data Initiative is a collective project by a consortium of organisations seeking to support the open tracking of the global commitments made by more than 194 countries on peace, justice, and strong institutions.

Goal 16 Toolkit
The Goal 16 Advocacy Toolkit provides civil society and other nongovernmental stakeholders with guidance on how to engage with their governments and other stakeholders to support the planning, implementation, follow-up and accountability of Goal 16.

Voices of SDG16+
Voices of SDG16+: Stories of Global Action is a collaborative campaign to bring the work of civil society on SDG16+ to the 2019 HLPF. Individuals and partners from around the world will have the opportunity to submit short videos telling their “stories” of best practices and extraordinary efforts being undertaken towards SDG16+ at the national and local levels.