Membership Engagement Platform
The TAP Network’s work is informed by the experiences of CSOs working on SDG 16 implementation, monitoring, and accountability around the globe, and we encourage our Members and Partners to engage with us in the following ways:
*Please check this page for regular updates and information on upcoming opportunities*
For Members & partners
Listed below are current opportunities for both TAP Members and Partners to engage with our collective work.

2022 Membership Engagement Survey
In an effort to help strengthen membership engagement throughout the TAP Network, we are happy to share with you the 2022 TAP Network Membership Engagement Survey, which we hope will provide an opportunity for you all to share your insights and reflections on how TAP can best engage with all of you in its work in the months and years to come. The survey will ask how you – TAP Partners and Members – would propose that improvements could be made to coordination, advocacy, learning and leadership - all elements that are at the foundation of a thriving and vibrant civil society network.
Click the buttons below to fill the survey in your choice of language

We're Hiring an Independent Consultant
The TAP Network is seeking a consultant(s) to conduct a detailed review of future hosting and governance options for TAP, as well as an evaluation of TAP’s work from the past two years (starting from 1 January 2020), dating back to the latest phase of its work following upon the 2019 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), and the election of the 2020-2021 TAP Network Steering Committee. This consultant will assess and provide an analysis of TAP’s current work and impact, as well as the effectiveness of the network’s membership engagement to-date, and will provide recommendations and options for the TAP Network to improve its work, based on the key areas extracted from the evaluation’s analysis.
Please see the Terms of Reference below and circulate the information to anyone who may be interested.

Endorse the 2022 Rome Declaration
This 2022 Addendum to the 2019 and 2021 versions of the Rome Civil Society Declaration raises the alarm on the further backsliding of SDG16+ and highlights what civil society stakeholders have identified as key areas where action is needed for peaceful societies to prosper. As civil society, we fear that if urgent action is not decided upon to propel greater action, governments and the international community will collectively fail to deliver on SDG16+ and the entire 2030 Agenda. SDG16+ is in peril, urgent action is needed now!

Highlight your organizations work through TAP Storytelling
Building upon our progress in 2021, TAP will continue to highlight the work of our Network in various new ways in 2022. If your organization wants to be featured through a blog post, video interview or creative storytelling medias, share your ideas through the interest form below.
NEW: If you have a new event, publication or accomplishment that you would like to promote through TAP's social media channels, sign up for a Twitter spotlight using the form below.

Engage with the SDG16 Toolkit
Collaborate with our newest publication, the SDG16+ Toolkit, by sharing a key resource or case study or holding a national workshop or training. Visit the publications dedicated website below to learn more.

Read and Endorse the Joint Statement on SDG16+ during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Following up on the SDG16+ Global Community side-event during the 2020 HLPF, we are excited to share with you the "Act for SDG16+" Statement, jointly drafted by the global SDG16+ Community partners. This Global Call-to-Action calls for an increased focus from governments, the UN System and all stakeholders towards advancing SDG16+, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a community, we are convinced that SDG16+ is more important than ever before, and will be critical to response, recovery and rebuilding efforts from COVID-19, and will help to strengthen the resiliency of our institutions and societies to resist future crises or shocks in the future. Sign-on and endorsements are currently open for this Statement, and you can endorse this statement through your organizations via the google form here. We would highly encourage all TAP Partners and Members to endorse this Call-to-Action Statement, as it will help maximize our reach and impact as a community.

Engage with the Campaign for the Decade of Accountability
The Campaign for a Decade of Accountability for the SDGs is a multi-stakeholder partnership mobilizing accountability actors from a wide range of sectors to support accountability for the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. The Campaign will look to bolster concerted action and amplify efforts to hold duty bearers to account for their commitments to sustainable development in a coordinated manner.
There are currently three ways to engage with the campaign:
(Please note that the Survey is now CLOSED)

For Partners
Listed below are opportunities exclusive to TAP Partners to engage with the network’s substantive work.
Consider upgrading your membership to become a Partner in order to take part in these featured opportunities.

Update Your Organization's Page on the TAP Partner Action Platform
The new TAP Network Partners Action Platform is an online registry of our Partner organizations that aims to promote the wide-ranging work of our partners, as well as the collective efforts of civil society around SDG16+ and SDG Accountability. The platform will provide a foundation for our network partners to build more interactive and dynamic opportunities for engagement.
The Platform is designed to allow Partner organizations to showcase their current work through a variety of mediums and provide periodic updates on the status of their commitments. Organizations with recent updates will be highlighted at the top of the search results of the platform. Therefore, it is highly encouraged that your organization submits periodic updates to the Platform using the forms below.
For more information on how to use the Partner Action platform, see the informational brochure at the button below.

Submit a Blog Post
TAP Partners have the opportunity to showcase their work and share experiences with the broader TAP Network community. Submitted blog posts will be featured on the TAP website and disseminated through our social media platforms.

Submit a Spotlight Report
To support this important approach to SDG accountability, the TAP Network will collect and showcase civil society spotlight reports.

Host a National Workshop
The TAP Network coordinates capacity-building workshops and trainings at regional, national, and local levels for civil society.

Submit a Case Study
The TAP Network collects case studies from civil society organizations to help maximize learning opportunities.