Assure Uganda(AU)
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  • Current Commitment
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Basic Information

Organization Name:
Assure Uganda(AU)
Organization Regions:
  • Africa
  • Organization Country Location:
  • Organization City/Locality:
Operating Languages:
  • English
Organization mission and work description:

Assure Uganda is a young people led not for profit movement that seeks to engage, young people both in and out of school to enhance, promote and advocate for peace, social justice, and concern for our mother planet earth. Assure Uganda’s Mission is to nurture and build a generation that can stand up for what they believe is right, have the power to change what is wrong and be able to add value to society

Organization's Contacts

  • Primary Contact Name:
    Deogratious Mbabazi
  • Primary Contact Title:
Additional Contacts Names:
  • Additional representative #1:
  • Additional representative #2:
  • Additional representative #3:
  • Additional representative #4:


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Organization's Work & Expertise

Organization's SGD16 Expertise:
  • 16.3 - Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
  • 16.6 - Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
  • 16.7 - Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
  • 16.b - Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development
Organization's Areas of Expertise:
  • Accountability for the 2030 Agenda

Current Commitment to SDG16+

Summary of commitment:

Peace and Social justice is what every human being should enjoy without war. Our commitment to SDG 16 is to engage young people both in and out of school to enhance, promote and advocate for peace, social justice, and concern for our mother planet earth . There is no doubt that the world relies on the old adage; ‘’Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.’’

Organization's priorities and work in relation to commitment:

At ASSURE UGANDA, we believe that a peaceful world is upon the respect of human rights, culture, good governance, democracy, justice, and environmental sustainability. With these thematic areas, we seek to see that these young group of people are groomed and shaped at an early stage to respect culture, electoral processes, build incorruptible institutions, advocate for what is right, and actively participate in leadership while we also act on practices that seeks to protect the ecosystem in the bid to promote co-existence as we protect the climate with emphasis on mitigation and adaptation processes to enable and enhance sustainable food security. Having been founded on the 7th December 2017, ASSURE UGANDA’s membership is only for young people below 27 years of age with main goal of nurturing and building them to be the agents of social, political, and economical change they deserve. Youth are receptive to positive change which leads to long term and wide-ranging benefits. Youth are experts when it comes to their own needs and situations and can best represent themselves as opposed to someone doing it for them.Passionate and inspired youth and young women contribute their knowledge, expertise and diverse perspectives which are absolutely critical to the success of ASSURE UGANDA (AU) Objectives of AU  To educate and ensure that Ugandans more so the youth are number one in our democracy.  To promote the understanding of peace and social justice among the young people through unique approaches of; awareness (campaigns, workshops, trainings, meetings, assemblies)  To connect and help youth pursue synergies, build relationships, and share ideas  To inspire and empower young people to withstand challenges and stand out for what is right.  To mobilize youth to address issues of nepotism, tribalism, segregation and all forms of discrimination  To engage in campaigns, raise awareness, mobilize young people and build alliances with diverse movements, local, national and global struggles for peace  To establish and run institutions/centers of learning in fields of good governance, democracy, law and climate  To promote exploit all practices for food security, mitigation and adaptation of climate change.  To inspire and encourage the young people to participate in poverty reduction programs and projects focusing on breaking the cycle of poverty.  To promote sustainable use of the ecosystems.  Supporting youth’ sustainable enterprises form financial dependency  To inspire and empower young people to appreciate and compete for leadership at all levels possible  To monitor, analyze and document human rights violations against youth and young women

Organization's work related to TAP network's SGD16+ work & accountability for 2030 Agenda:

As much as we can, Assure Uganda with a membership of 2,300,000 young people country wide is enthusiastic to walk a long SDG 16. We have been implementing projects such as enhancing the understanding of Democracy among the youth through Soccer and this is the unique approach to ensure that for example youth are number one in our democracy and once they participate in leadership levels while still young and being accountable in their lower levels of leadership like being a prefect at school level, this will pave a way to have responsible and accountable leaders in future unlike today.

Plan on engaging in TAP's work as a Partner:
  • Thematic Working Groups


Voices of SDG 16+: Stories of Global Action

Reports on Organization's Past Commitments