Natore, Bangladesh
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  • Work & Expertise
  • Current Commitment
  • Past Commitment
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Basic Information

Organization Name:
Organization Regions:
  • Asia/Pacific
  • Organization Country Location:
  • Organization City/Locality:
    Natore, Bangladesh
Operating Languages:
  • English
Organization mission and work description:

The mission of LUSTRE is to develop to poor and hardcore poor people to provide support on agricultural production activities. In addition to promote the cause of women and the under privileged alike by uniting and strengthening them and to enable to participate in all development activities, and advocate programs that meet the needs of the vulnerable community in the best possible way at the least cost. Observing the despair socio-economic and health condition of the people in Natore district, Laila Arzumand Banu a dedicated social activist took the pioneering initiative to form an organization in 1996 for providing need based assistance to the people in distress and disadvantage. She was started her effort through establishing blood bank at Natore and afterwards priority given to serve the Thalassaemia patient. Thalassaemia is a genetic disorder and prevalent among children and treatment is costly as well as hard to reach at the specialized doctor and physicians for poor classes of people. Thus the journey with development activities of LUSTRE began. All the activities and efforts of LUSTRE demand based of the community. LUSTRE brought attention, recognition and appreciation from all stratums of people at the same time officials of GO/NGOs level.

Organization's Contacts

  • Primary Contact Name:
    Md. Hashanuzzaman
  • Primary Contact Title:
    Executive Director
Additional Contacts Names:
  • Additional representative #1:
    Laila Arzumand Banu,
  • Additional representative #2:
    Md. Monirul Islam,
  • Additional representative #3:
  • Additional representative #4:


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Organization's Work & Expertise

Organization's SGD16 Expertise:
  • 16.1 - Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere
  • 16.2 - End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children
  • 16.3 - Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
  • 16.5 - Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
  • 16.6 - Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
  • 16.7 - Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
  • 16.9 - By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration
  • 16.b - Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development
Organization's Areas of Expertise:
  • Public mobilization & Campaigns
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • Gender Equality
  • Children & Youth
  • Capacity building/CSO training & education

Current Commitment to SDG16+

Summary of commitment:

To develop to poor and hardcore poor people to provide support on agricultural production activities. In addition to promote the cause of women and the under privileged alike by uniting and strengthening them and to enable to participate in all development activities, and advocate programs that meet the needs of the vulnerable community in the best possible way at the least cost. Equal opportunity, Empowerment and livelihood development of the people bring a positive change in the society.

Organization's priorities and work in relation to commitment:

Reducing poverty level of the marginalized community and main thrust is to improve their livelihood. Develop projects that benefit marginal farmers and under privileged people. Provide financial services to landless and small-scale farmers though organizing group. Attempt to create and environment for self-help people among the disadvantages group. Mobilize local and national resources available to the disadvantaged, distressed people. Achieve social, economic and cultural empowerment of the community. Protect & Promote rights and dignity for all irrespective of caste creed and religion. Employment opportunity by reducing poverty. Increase level of awareness of masses on Health, Water, Sanitation and Environment. Advocacy to create influence on policy issues. Skill development and technology transfer for sustainable development, Health ans Family Planning, Livelihood and Food Security, Good Governance and Social Justice, Disaster Management areas with the most poo and vulnerable communities.

Organization's work related to TAP network's SGD16+ work & accountability for 2030 Agenda:

To ensure responsive inclusive participatory and representative decision making at all level. Promote the rule of law at the national level ensure equal access to justice for all. Reduce all forms of violence and related activities.

Plan on engaging in TAP's work as a Partner:
  • Regional Engagement Platforms and/or Regional Focal Point
  • Thematic Working Groups
  • Interest in leadership/coordination opportunities within the TAP Network
  • Exploring partnerships with like-minded organizations
  • Global engagement via the UN and other opportunities
  • TAP Network joint global advocacy
  • Exploring opportunities for hosting TAP Network national or regional-level capacity building activities


Voices of SDG 16+: Stories of Global Action

Reports on Organization's Past Commitments