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2024-2025 Steering Committee
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Basic Information
Organization Name:
Women for Peace and Gender Equality InitiativeOrganization Regions:
- Africa
Organization Country Location:
Nigeria -
Organization City/Locality:
Abeokuta/Ogun State
Operating Languages:
- English
Organization mission and work description:
WOPEGEE is registered as a national organisation in Nigeria and also the coordinator for Civil Society Organisation on Sustainable Development (CSCSD). At WOPEGEE, we advocate to advance the rights and priorities of women, girls, and marginalized communities in Nigeria. We work with grassroots, sub-national and national partners to influence change in line with the United Nations SDGs. WOPEGEE’S advocacy enables a more significant impact and increased accountability for commitments to fight gender-based violence, poverty and inequality. Gender equality is at the centre of all we do, so our advocacy focuses on tackling deeply entrenched inequalities which impact marginalized communities, particularly women and girls. Investing in women and girls to accelerate socio-economic and political development is core to our vision. WOPEGEE advocates for change across seven Impact Areas – our focus areas to drive change towards agenda 2030 are Gender Equality; Access to Health; Right to Food, Water, and Nutrition; Transformative education; Climate Justice; Women’s Economic/Social Justice and Peacebuilding and Conflict prevention.
Organization's Contacts
Primary Contact Name:
Mojisola Akinsanya -
Primary Contact Title:
Additional Contacts Names:
Additional representative #1:
Mosunmola Akinbobola -
Additional representative #2:
Additional representative #3:
Additional representative #4:
Learn about TAP Members & Partners
WHO ARE TAP'S MEMBERS?Organization's Work & Expertise
Organization's SGD16 Expertise:
- 16.2 - End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children
- 16.3 - Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
- 16.5 - Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
- 16.7 - Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
- 16.9 - By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration
- 16.10 - Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements
Organization's Areas of Expertise:
- Global/UN Engagement & Advocacy
- Accountability for the 2030 Agenda
- Policy Analysis & Advocacy
- SDG Data and Indicators
- Public mobilization & Campaigns
- Gender Equality
- Capacity building/CSO training & education
Current Commitment to SDG16+
Summary of commitment:
WOPEGEE is committed in supporting and implementing SDG16 at sub-national, national and regional level. Our key priority transitions and areas for investment that this commitment will address includes to advocate, mobilse and strengthened multistakeholder partners to leverage special measures and quotas to promote gender parity across all levels of decision- making in political and economic life; Mobilise and support laws that can put in place emergency response plans that prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls by supporting costed action-plan for implementing the Violence Against Persons and Prohibition Law in Nigeria
Organization's priorities and work in relation to commitment:
As part of effort for response plans, prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls WOPEGEE is presently implementing a project supported by AWDF to design a costed action plan for Violence Against Persons and Prohibition (VAPP Law) implementation and demand accountability in ending violence against women and girls in Ogun State Nigeria. A Technical Working Group (TWG VAPP) for the implementation of VAPP law in Ogun State was created among CSCSD partners and all advocacy has been done with critical stakeholders, qualitative and quantitative research has also been achieved with a draft costed action plan for VAPP. First quarter of 2024 is the deadline to launch the policy document
Organization's work related to TAP network's SGD16+ work & accountability for 2030 Agenda:
1. Capacity strengthening, Advocacy, sensitisation /outreaches, and mobilisation among multistakeholder partnership clusters for the implementation of SDG-16 2. Research and documentation 3. Policy advocacy and resource mobilisation 4. Production of IEC materials 5. Attendance of HLPF/UNGA since 2015 till date 6. Successful convergence of 2 times SDG conferences at the sub-national level.
Plan on engaging in TAP's work as a Partner:
- Regional Engagement Platforms and/or Regional Focal Point
- Thematic Working Groups
- Interest in leadership/coordination opportunities within the TAP Network
- Storytelling /Showcasing your organization's work via the TAP Network platforms
- Exploring partnerships with like-minded organizations
- Exploring opportunities for hosting TAP Network national or regional-level capacity building activities