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TAP Storytelling
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TAP Storytelling - Read Candid Concept's written interview with TAP, published in May 2021, about defining the concept of social capital in Bahamian NGO culture on the TAP Blog Platform platform or at
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Basic Information
Organization Name:
Candid Concepts DevelopmentOrganization Regions:
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Global
Organization Country Location:
Bahamas -
Organization City/Locality:
Operating Languages:
- English
Organization mission and work description:
In light of new challenges and opportunities for the human race our purpose is to develop and promote new ways of thinking about human fulfillment and social progress which speaks directly to our strapline-“Progressive Empowerment.” Our vision is to be a powerful and innovative force. We work with partners to generate real progress in our chosen project areas and want to be seen as a source of commitment and insight in communities from global to local. At the foundation of our work are continuing beliefs in positive human progress, environmental sustainability and principled assurance united now with public assurance and social inclusion. In pursuing these goals we are led by four values: independence, commitment, honesty and directness. Our way of working consists of providing a platform for new ideas; working with partners to direct and translate knowledge and progressive thinking into practical change; and inspiring others to be a force for civic innovation and social change.
Organization's Contacts
Primary Contact Name:
Rochelle -
Primary Contact Title:
Founder/Executive Director
Additional Contacts Names:
Additional representative #1:
Additional representative #2:
Additional representative #3:
Additional representative #4:
Learn about TAP Members & Partners
WHO ARE TAP'S MEMBERS?Organization's Work & Expertise
Organization's SGD16 Expertise:
- 16.6 - Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
- 16.7 - Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
- 16.8 - Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance
- 16.a - Strengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for building capacity at all levels, in particular in developing countries, to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime
- 16.b - Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development
Organization's Areas of Expertise:
- Global/UN Engagement & Advocacy
- Accountability for the 2030 Agenda
- Policy Analysis & Advocacy
- SDG Data and Indicators
- HLPF and UN Development System Reform
Current Commitment to SDG16+
Summary of commitment:
Candid Concepts Development is also commited to theoretical concepts that can be developed into practicality and will prepare future generations for further global changes.
Organization's priorities and work in relation to commitment:
CCDA continues to take a different approach to the original commitment with TAP. It is apparent that outside of providing theoretical approaches to the progression of the SDGs its important to take a hands on approach to the realization of goal 16. Field work is very imperative and support mechanisms as well as activities should be in place to offer support to CSO's for best outcomes. It is essential that the intrepretation of best outcomes are recognized and applied for cohesion that translates to the ministerial level. The disconnect between a thematic approach and no implementation is very obvious so this has become a priority for Candid Concepts Development. Particularly for SDG16 which is a high priority for peace, justice and strong institutions. Candid Concepts Development would priortize offering panel discussions with other organizations to bring further insight in an effort to highlight the importance of regional integration. Each region can learn from other organizations and insights in an effort to prioritize and establish the interlinkage of SDG 16 and that can serve as a catalyst for HLPF and advocacy at the Ministerial level.
Organization's work related to TAP network's SGD16+ work & accountability for 2030 Agenda:
SDG16 specifically drives civic responsibility and strong institutions. Strengthening civil society plays a pivotal role in push back against shrinking civic spaces and accountability for development not reliant on government which impacts democracy, peace, and justice.
Plan on engaging in TAP's work as a Partner:
- Regional Engagement Platforms and/or Regional Focal Point
- Thematic Working Groups
- Voluntary funding contributions to the TAP Network
- Substantive contribution to any TAP Network resources or advocacy materials
- Interest in leadership/coordination opportunities within the TAP Network
- Exploring partnerships with like-minded organizations
- Global engagement via the UN and other opportunities
- TAP Network joint global advocacy
- Exploring opportunities for hosting TAP Network national or regional-level capacity building activities
Voices of SDG 16+: Stories of Global Action
Reports on Organization's Past Commitments
The commitment of CCDA is to global development at all levels specifically emphasizing sustainability and the sustainable development goals for developing countries and adopting these principles while applying new theories and ideas to development and ultimately to the progression of the SDG's. CCDA also commits to innovative and practical solutions that will impact policy and law while emcompassing a myriad of economic concepts that will drive development and peak the interest globally for sustainable developments in the future. CCDA also is committed to theoretical concepts that can be developed into practicality and will prepare future generations for further global changes.