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Sign up to help draft TAP position papers

Resulting from the TAP Network call this week, the TAP Coordinators have put together a sign-up form where anyone can sign up for Drafting Groups for various TAP Network position papers. Please sign up for Drafting Groups by no later than Monday, 9 March. These drafting groups will be responsible for putting together the initial drafts of each TAP paper, meaning that it will be incredibly important for as many people from the TAP Network to engage in the drafting of these positions, as they will serve as the foundation of TAP’s advocacy over the next year going forward. These thematic areas were based on the results of the TAP Network Survey, which is still open for inputs as well.

The position paper drafting groups are:

  • SDG (Goal 16) Indicators
  • Review & Monitoring/Accountability
  • Means of Implementation
  • Global Partnership
  • Data Revolution
  • Financing for Development