TAP Network Strategic Plan
2023 - 2025
About the Strategic Plan
Download the Full Strategic Plan
The TAP Network’s Strategic Plan 2023 to 2025 sets the strategic direction for the secretariat and network. It articulates who we are, what we strive to achieve, how we work and how we define our success.
It is informed by conversations with thousands of TAP’s members and partners across the world.
Who We Are
About the TAP Network

Our Members & Partners
Our international coalition is made up of more than 400 civil society organizations
Learn about TAP Members & Partners
Our Vision
Transform people, institutions, and societies to support lasting change for a more peaceful, just, inclusive, accountable and sustainable world at all levels
Our Mission
We connect and convene a vibrant, dynamic, diverse and inclusive community of civil society actors working to advance SDG16+ at all levels, and to hold governments accountable to the SDGs more broadly.
Our Goals
- Connecting local to global: Providing platforms to ensure that the voice of local civil society and grassroots communities are reflected in global efforts to advance SDG16+.
- Partnerships: Expanding collaboration with key initiatives and partners around various SDG16+ issues to enhance SDG16+ implementation and accountability.
- Membership Engagement: Strengthening work within TAP’s membership to foster greater ownership and engagement with TAP’s collective work.
- National/Regional work: Utilizing TAP’s diverse membership to ensure effective collaboration from the national level, to the regional level and to the global level.
- Storytelling: Showcasing inspiring stories from civil society change-makers around SDG16+ through dynamic and innovative storytelling mediums.
- Accountability: Fostering greater accountability for SDG16+ and the 2030 Agenda overall by providing tools and resources for national-level efforts from civil society to hold governments accountable.
- Data/reporting: Working to support greater transparency in data for SDG16+, and ensure that civil society is equipped to monitor and report on the 2030 Agenda
Sharing & Learning
- Capacity Strengthening: through Peer-Learning Enhancing peer-learning amongst TAP’s membership by providing opportunities for sharing of knowledge, experience and expertise
- Platforms for sharing: Building inclusive online platforms for civil society to share key resources, tools and reports, both within TAP’s membership and to a broader audience
Explore TAP's Resources & Tools
How We Make a Difference

A Message from the TAP Steering Committee
The past several years have not been easy for the global community; amidst a global pandemic, increasing war and violence worldwide and a myriad of other crises, we have been backsliding on our mutual goals of international peace and justice. Since their inception in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals, and SDG16+ in particular, have been a roadmap towards a better future. Yet, as we near the halfway point to 2030, we are nowhere near its achievement. We believe that as a platform that brings together a diverse array of civil society actors from around the world, the TAP Network can play a critical role in empowering local actors to advance this important work, and we call on all actors – including governments, donors and other institutions – to support these efforts going forward. We are proud to put forward this 2023-2025 Strategic Plan for the TAP Network, which outlines the key objectives and theory of change for our collective work together. This plan will look to strengthen TAP's added-value as a convener, mobilizer and advocate, as well as the network's role in providing a platform for sharing and learning amongst civil society around SDG16+, and the 2030 Agenda overall.
The TAP Network Steering Committee 2022-2023 Tweet