Joining the TAP Network

The TAP Network’s engagement structures are broken down into two main categories: “Members” and “Partners,” with each enjoying very different sets of privileges and benefits. These various options for organizations provide a responsive yet flexible engagement structure that enables TAP to identify key implementation partners to support its work, while at the same time being open and inclusive of organizations that are supportive of TAP’s work, but who may be unable to make explicit commitments to helping advance TAP’s work. 

Become a TAP Network Partner

TAP Network Partners are organizations that take part in the substantive work of the TAP Network, and make explicit commitments to implementing SDG16 or towards accountability for the 2030 Agenda. In exchange for making these commitments, “Partners” enjoy an exclusive set of benefits and privileges, and can benefit from direct support from the TAP Network - both technical and financial.

Become a TAP Network Member

TAP Network Members are organizations that can register to stay up-to-date on TAP’s work and can loosely contribute to taking TAP’s substantive work forward. They are able to share in the information and intel-sharing and general updates that the TAP Network has become known for, and have access to a listserv of hundreds of experts on SDG16 and the 2030 Agenda.

Join the #SDG16Now Campaign

The #SDG16Now Campaign is a global movement working towards accelerating action on SDG16--promoting peaceful, just, and inclusive societies. Whether you work for a civil society organization, international organization, government, we all have a role to play in advancing SDG16+!


TAP Network “Partners” are the TAP Network’s highest tier of membership, representing organizations that take part in the in-depth and substantive work of the TAP Network, and work closely with each other through various engagement structures and channels. 

These Partners make concrete and public commitments to SDG16+ and the overall mission and objectives of TAP Network on the issues they work on. In exchange for making these commitments, Partners enjoy an exclusive set of benefits and privileges, and can benefit from direct support, both technical and financial, from the TAP Network Secretariat. TAP Network Partners also pay a very small annual membership fee, which contributes to joint activities of the TAP Network, and may outline and propose additional ways to contribute to TAP’s work. 

TAP Partners are also eligible for leadership positions within the network, including the TAP Steering Committee. By way of this process, TAP Partners are explicitly committed to helping take TAP’s agenda and work forward, and are identified as TAP’s key champions and go-to implementation partners. 


Benefits of becoming a TAP Network “Partner”

  • Access to TAP funding and funding opportunities within the community
  • Access to voting on TAP Steering Committee and other ballots
  • Eligibility for upcoming leadership opportunities, including for national or regional engagement, or for membership on the TAP Steering Committee
  • Organization’s work and commitments will be showcased on TAP’s Partner Platform Featuring your work and key resources, events, and funding/partnership opportunities on the TAP Partner Platform
  • Opportunities to serve as speakers or co-organizers of events/webinars to feature your work
  • Organization’s work be showcased through TAP’s multimedia “Storytelling Initiative” through written features, interviews, or webinar speakers
  • Ability to use the TAP logo on your website and other materials
  • Annual Partner Certification for organization & staff who represent your organization with TAP

Find out more about TAP’s engagement structures, including details on becoming a “Partner” here. 


TAP Network “Members” are organizations that are interested in benefiting from the information and intel-sharing and updates from the TAP Network, but may not have the capacity or desire to engage with TAP’s substantive work explicitly. Members benefit from having access to the general membership listerv, which consists of hundreds of organizations and individual advocates for SDG16 and the 2030 Agenda more broadly. TAP Network Members will be identified on the TAP Network website, however the work of their organizations will not be showcased in the same way that TAP Network “Partners” will be featured. 


Find out more about TAP’s engagement structures, including details on becoming a TAP Network “Partner” or “Member” here.