TAP Network at 2020 HLPF



With the TAP Network’s collective priorities of SDG16 and accountability for the 2030 Agenda, the TAP Network will engage extensively around the 2020 HLPF to be held for the first time in a partly virtual platform from Tuesday, 7 July, to Thursday, 16 July. 

The TAP Network is pleased to provide a range of virtual opportunities for engagement at the 2020 HLPF. All of our partners can find more information about the TAP Network’s events and opportunities at the 2020 HLPF on this page. 

2020 HLPF Background Note

Preparing for the 2020 HLPF with the TAP Network: Background, Overview and TAP Engagement


Joint Statement on SDG16+ during the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the HLPF 2020 virtual side-event "Accelerating SDG 16+ Action to Restore Human Well-Being & Build Back Better," the Global SDG16+ community partners have issued a joint call to action amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: "Act Now for SDG16+ – Peace, justice, inclusion and strong institutions in a pandemic."


Building Infrastructures for Peace in Africa: Lessons from Uganda, Cameroon and Ghana
Monday, July 6, 2020, 8:30 - 10:00 ET / 12:30- 14:00 GMT

During the 2020 High-Level Political Forum, the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) and partners will organize a discussion to share about the learning from building peace infrastructures in various contexts in Africa with a specific discussion on good practices and lessons learned from the processes. Together with the UN actors, Member States and development partners, we will unpack various forms of infrastructures for peace, outline some models that could be replicated elsewhere, and discuss additional capacities needed for further improvement of processes.

Organized by: WANEP, CENCORE, WAA Cameroon, GPPAC, CSPPS, and The TAP Network

***TO REGISTER*** Please RSVP by 3 July 2020 to [email protected] to receive a Zoom link and password.

Accelerating ‘whole of society’ Action on SDG implementation through Innovative Civil Society Partnerships
Friday, July 10, 2020, 6:30 - 8:00 ET / 10:30 - 12:00 GMT

The side event aims to explore how the 2030 Agenda’s central commitments to ‘leave no one behind’ can best be realized, and ‘whole of society’ approaches fostered through innovative partnerships including partnerships between CSOs, governments, cross-sectoral partnerships, and multi-stakeholder partnerships. The session will focus in particular on the first and second transformative entry areas of the 2030 Agenda: (i) ‘human wellbeing and capabilities’; and ‘(ii) sustainable & just economies’. The panelists will explain the role that diverse partnerships, including CSO national coalitions, can play in enhancing the voices of civil society and those most left behind, in order to ensure better access to public services, and reduced poverty and socioeconomic inequalities.

Organized by: Asia Development Alliance (Lead Organizer), Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Government of Malaysia, Malaysian (TBC) CSO SDG Alliance, JANIC, WNTC, UNDP, Forum for Indian Development Cooperation (FIDC), Forus, The TAP Network, SDG Watch Europe, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Details for Registration Forthcoming

Inclusive and integrated monitoring, follow-up and review to accelerate SDG implementation
Friday, July 10, 2020, 8:00 - 9:30 ET / 12:00 - 13:30 GMT

Inclusive and integrated monitoring and review are essential to accelerate national SDG implementation through more targeted and citizen-oriented development outcomes. This interactive side event will demonstrate this by: (1) Illuminating the transformative potential of inclusive reporting; (2) showcasing how integrated and regular reporting is providing space for government and civil society to co-create implementation in Benin; (3) presenting how joint monitoring and reporting between government, NHRIs, civil society and other actors is creating a meaningful overview of SDG implementation in Palestine; (4) demonstrating how integrating human rights recommendations in SDG processes can improve policy coherence and facilitate the pursuit of the LNOB principle.

Organized by: The TAP Network, GIZ, DIHR, Planning Ministry of Benin, and NHRI Palestine
Details for registration located on the event flyer below

SDG Learning Lab: “Preparing for the second reporting cycle: Empowering Actors, Improving Coordination and strengthening SDG Data Reporting”
Monday, July 13, 2020, 14:00 - 15:30 ET / 18:00 - 19:30 GMT

This workshop provides an essential opportunity to connect a number of groups and networks who are directly involved in ensuring effective monitoring of the Goals, supporting data gathering efforts as well as mobilising civil society stakeholders for joint monitoring and reporting to promote solutions that leave no one behind. The session aims to address the question: “How can we build effective joint approaches for monitoring & data gathering on the SDGs?” The event will present tools and good practices to help address the coordination challenges between monitoring, reporting and follow-up structures for the SDGs, including national and local level accountability and key human rights tools.

Organized by: Permanent Mission of Denmark, UK Office for National Statistics, Action for Sustainable Development, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Global Alliance for Reporting Progress on Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies, The TAP Network, Bristol City Office, Office of the Mayor of Los Angeles

Accelerating SDG 16+ Action to Restore Human Well-Being & Build Back Better
Tuesday, July 15, 2020, 8:00 - 9:15 ET / 12:00 - 13:15 GMT

This event will look at why SDG 16+ needs to be the foundation of reset and recovery strategies and the urgency to adopt an integrated approach involving all sectors to mitigate the potential institutional, social, and economic fallout from the pandemic in a peaceful and fair manner.

Organized by: The TAP Network, WFUNA/16PlusForum, Global Alliance, CSPPS, and Pathfinders

Bridging the data gap to monitor progress in advancing SDG16 at the time of COVID-19
Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 13:00 - 14:30 ET / 17:00 - 18:30 GMT

The call for accelerating action and implementing transformative pathways on the 2030 Agenda is confronted with the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Both the governmental and multilateral responses to the crisis and the post-COVID-19 recovery initiatives will impact on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The broad areas covered by SDG16 are particularly relevant for informing the action of governments and other stakeholders by complementing official and non-official data at a time of unprecedented social and political stress. The session will focus on challenges and opportunities to improve the quality, availability and use of governance, security and justice data through partnerships between official and non-official entities at country level. The session will offer examples of how stakeholders in several countries are working together to measure and monitor the progress of peaceful, just and inclusive societies to understand where data gaps are, why they exist, and what can be done jointly to fill and build them on the national, regional and global activities of three leading SDG16 multi-stakeholder networks: the Praia City Group, the SDG16 Data Initiative, and the Global Alliance.

The role of SDG 16+ in accelerating 2030 Agenda Monitoring and Implementation
Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 6:30 - 8:00 ET / 10:30 - 12:00 GMT

This side event covers the first transformative entry area of the 2030 Agenda- :‘human wellbeing and capabilities”. Participants will exchange experiences, success stories, obstacles and opportunities to address gaps in the production and usage of data to monitor SDG16+. They will also explore opportunities for collaboration, in particular around citizen- led and generated data which should be recognized by governments. Participants will be introduced to online tools to facilitate data collection on groups traditionally left behind (specifically on indigenous peoples) and improve the monitoring of SDG 16+ targets with big data gaps, such as SDG 4.7 (Human Rights Education)

Organized by: Lead Organizer: The National Planning Commission, Government of Nepal, Co-organizers: Forus global civil society network ( www.forus-international.org), The Global Alliance for Reporting Progress on Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies, the Danish Institute of Human Rights, the Asia Development Alliance, the Nepal NGO Federation . UNESCAP, the TAP Network, the Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies

Voices of SDG16+: Local Actions for Global Solutions
Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 8:00 - 9:30 ET / 12:00 - 13:30 GMT

Building on the resounding success of the 2019 Voices of SDG16+ campaign, this year’s video campaign asked individuals and partners around the world to share short videos showcasing how they are contributing to advancing SDG16+. Individuals and organizations from around the world have shared their “stories” of best practices and extraordinary efforts being undertaken towards SDG16+ at the national and local levels, particularly in the face of the COVID-19 crisis. The top 5 storytellers will be invited to share their stories during this dedicated 2020 HLPF Side-Event. The selected winners with the most compelling videos will be showcased during this event, and participants will have an opportunity to discuss their submissions and work further. The interactive, virtual event will also feature reflections from the winners of last year's campaign.

Organized by: Article 19, CSPPS, GPPAC, IPI, Life & Peace Institute, NAMATI, Pax Christi International, Saferworld, DHRI, Peace Direct, The TAP Network, and World Vision

Supporting a Campaign for a Decade of Accountability for the SDGs
Thursday, July 16, 2020, 7:30 - 9:00 ET / 11:30 - 13:00 GMT

Join the Campaign for a Decade of Accountability’s first virtual side-event during the 2020 High-Level Political Forum! The interactive side-event will focus on the need for enhancing mutual accountability for delivering on the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, particularly in light of the current circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. The event will also feature reflections on SDG accountability from a wide range of stakeholder communities – all of whom serve as a critical piece of the accountability puzzle for the SDGs – and the importance of implementation and accountability for the SDGs to the response, rebuilding and resiliency from the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, stay for a preview of the first-of-its-kind Global SDG Accountability Report from the Campaign, set to be launched in late 2020.

Organized by: The TAP Network, FORUS, GCAP, Together 2030, and other campaign partners


Past events

Unpacking the Decade of Action and Delivery from a child-sensitive view: children’s rights and GSDR entry points

  • July 8, 2020 12:00 – 13:30 ET / 16:00 – 17:30 GMT
  • Event Flyer
  • Register here
  • Organized by World Vision 

Protecting Post-Pandemic Funding to End Violence Against Children

  • July 9, 202 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
  • Register here
  • Organized by ChildFund Alliance & The Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations

Aftershocks: Out of Time to End Hunger and Child Poverty by 2030 

  • July 10, 2020 7:30 – 9:00 ET / 11:30 – 13:00 GMT
  • Event Flyer
  • Register Here
  • Organized by World Vision