Advocacy Resources

Joint Statement on SDG16+ during the COVID-19 Pandemic
During the HLPF 2020 virtual side-event "Accelerating SDG 16+ Action to Restore Human Well-Being & Build Back Better," the Global SDG 16+ community partners have issued a joint call to action amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: "Act Now for SDG16+ – Peace, justice, inclusion and strong institutions in a pandemic.
TAP Network Statement on 2030 Agenda Outcome
TAP Network Redlines for Final Draft of Post-2015 Outcome Document
TAP Network Response to REVISED Final Post-2015 Draft Outcome Document
TAP Network Response to the Post-2015 “Final Draft”
TAP Network Response to the Post-2015 “Zero Draft”
TAP Network Response to FfD3 Outcome Document
TAP Network Statement Post-2015 IGN Interactive Dialogue – 24 June

NEW! 2021 Rome Civil Society Declaration on SDG16+
The 2021 Rome Civil Society Declaration on SDG16+, titled “A Renewed Call for Strengthening Commitments, Partnerships, and Accelerated Action for SDG16+,” is an addendum to the original 2019 Rome Declaration and serves as a firm and urgent reminder for the global community that peaceful, just and inclusive societies are at the core of not only sustainable development, but also sustainable recovery, especially at a time like this.

Advocacy Guide - 2021 HLPF Review
Throughout February to April 2021, the UN Economic and Social Council and the High-Level Political Forum will undergo negotiations on the conference’s thematic reviews, which will largely determine the focus of what will get done at the HLPF this year and for years to come. In order to ensure that SDG16 is reviewed on an annual basis and that the priorities of TAP Network members are represented at the HLPF, TAP Network is engages heavily in the surrounding advocacy processes to amplify our collective voices. Created to empower TAP Network Members and Partners, please reference this Advocacy Guide on how to engage in these process.