Empowering Communities
The TAP Network aims to empower national and local civil society to foster an active, vibrant and engaged global network to advance SDG16+ and SDG Accountability.
Maintaining and improving the engagement of Partners and Members remains at the core of the TAP Network’s work.
- Coordination: fostering an empowered community of civil society practitioners around SDG16+ and Accountability for the SDGs
- Advocacy: increased recognition of the importance of civil society for SDG16+ and accountability for the 2030 Agenda
- Learning: enhancing peer-learning and knowledge sharing platforms for TAP Partners and Members
- Leadership: expanding the role for civil society in work to advance SDG16+ and SDG Accountability through leadership in key spaces at all levels

Related Resources & Initiatives

Rome Civil Society Declaration on SDG16+
“Amplified Commitments and Partnerships for Accelerated Action: Rome Civil Society Declaration on SDG16+” (Rome Declaration) outlines key messages, recommendations, and a broad call-to-action around SDG16+. This Declaration is envisioned to directly feed into the outcomes of the Rome SDG16 Conference, and will be the central focus of our advocacy to encourage accelerated action on SDG16 at the 2019 HLPF in July and the SDGs Summit in September.
Spotlight Reporting Platform
Civil society can play an important role in international monitoring processes through the production of independent “civil society reports”—which can also be referred to as “shadow reports,” “spotlight reports,” and/or “parallel reports.” In an effort to promote accountability for SDG16 and the 2030 Agenda more broadly, this platform will be used to collect and showcase SDG16 “Spotlight” Reports from civil society stakeholders.
TAP Steering Committee Structure
The TAP Network is led by a member-elected five-person Steering Committee, who serve two-year terms and represent the leadership of the TAP Network overall. The TAP Network is also supported by a dedicated Secretariat who are responsible for taking forward the day-to-day work and management of the Network overall.

Campaign for a Decade of Accountability
The Campaign for a Decade of Accountability for the SDGs is a multi-stakeholder partnership mobilizing accountability actors from a wide range of sectors to support accountability for the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. The Campaign will look to bolster concerted action and amplify efforts to hold duty bearers to account for their commitments to sustainable development in a coordinated manner.

TAP Partners Commitment Platform
TAP Network “Partners” are organizations that take part in the substantive work of the TAP Network, and make explicit commitments to implementing SDG16 or towards accountability for the 2030 Agenda.

Advocacy Resources
The TAP Network is committed to working together with our network members and partners to coordinate global collective advocacy and develop resources for the broader civil community to empower and catalyze progress.

Membership Engagement Platform
Our online "Membership Engagement Platform" provides both TAP Members and Partners with regularly updated information on a range of opportunities to engage with the network in order to collectively advance SDG 16 and accountability for the 2030 Agenda.