
Information on the Upcoming 2022-2023 Steering Committee Process

Last Updated: 11 November, 2021

Information on the 2022-2023 Steering Committe Election

Continue to check this page for the most up-to-date information on the process.

Find this information on a shareable PDF here.

For any questions about the process or your organization’s eligibility, please email [email protected]


The TAP Network Steering Committee is an openly elected leadership structure of the TAP Network, comprised of key TAP Network Partner organizations. The Steering Committee is expected to lead the network on behalf of the membership and provide strategic guidance for the network’s work and will is expected to be accountable to the membership, and transparent in its leadership and oversight of the network’s affairs.

You can find out more about the current 2019-2020 TAP Network Steering Committee Members on our website here.

For a full breakdown of the roles, responsibilities and expectations of the 2022-2023 TAP Network Steering Committee, please review the Steering Committee’s current Terms of Reference here.

NOW OPEN: Nomination Requirements for Organizations (Open to TAP Partners ONLY)

Any organization that is a current TAP Network “Partner” is eligible to self-nominate their organization and vote in election for the TAP Steering Committee.  Since Steering Committee nominations are only open to TAP Network Partners, any organizations that are currently only “Members” and not “Partners”, will need to apply to become a TAP Network Partner before application cut-off of (EXTENDED DEADLINE) Monday, 15 November 2021 to be eligible to nominate for the Steering Committee.  Unfortunately, any organization that applies to become a TAP Network Partner after this cut-off date will be ineligible to nominate for the Steering Committee. 

You can find more information about becoming a TAP Network Partner here, along with a “How-to” guide on your application attached here, and you can submit your application here:

If you are unsure if your organization is a TAP Network Partner, please refer to the new TAP Network Partner Action Platform which lists all current TAP Network Partners.  If you have any questions about your status as an organization, please reach out to the Secretariat ASAP so we can resolve any issues as early as possible. 

Nominate your organization for the 2022-2023 TAP Network Steering Committee (open through Tuesday 23 November 2021), by filling out the nomination form here:

Composition, Mandate and Terms of Reference for 2022-2023 TAP Network Steering Committee

Before nominating your organization to serve on the 2022-2023 TAP Steering Committee, please thoroughly read through all of the eligibility requirements below and in the nomination form, and the revised Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Steering Committee, to determine your organization’s eligibility to run for the 2022-2023 TAP Steering Committee, and your organization’s ability to effectively serve in this capacity for a full two year term.  All information you need to know about the Steering Committee’s work and the nomination and election processes are all outlined in detail in these documents, so if your organization is interested in putting forward for the TAP Steering Committee, it is critically important for you to read these important background documents.

You can find the revised Terms of Reference for the 2022-2023 TAP Network Steering Committee here:

Composition of the 2022-2023 Steering Committee: 

  • The TAP Network Steering Committee will be comprised ofSIX total organizations – three organizations from the Global South, and three organizations from the Global North.
  • The current TAP Network Steering Committee has identified two current members to serve as “institutional memory” organizations, as mandated by the Steering Committee Terms of Reference. The organizations that will carry over to the 2022-2023 Steering Committee are Accountability Lab (Global South) and CSPPS (Global North).
  • Therefore,there will be two Steering Committee slots open from the Global South and two slots open from the Global North (4 total) for these upcoming elections
  • Please note that, as always, it is ORGANIZATIONS/INSTITUTIONS that are represented on the TAP Network Steering Committee and NOT INDIVIDUALS. While individuals will represent their institutions on the Steering Committee, this is a very important distinction to clarify, to ensure that your institution has buy-in into the work of the TAP Steering Committee. Consequently, all nominating organizations must provide the name and contact details for a primary AND an alternate representative to the TAP Steering Committee at the time of nomination, on the nomination form.

Timeline of TAP Steering Committee Nomination and Election Process

***Final Application Deadline for Organizations interested in nominating for TAP Steering Committee to apply to become TAP Partners: Monday 15 November 2021 [EXTENDED DEADLINE, OPEN NOW]

Steering Committee Nomination Process opens: Monday, 1 November 2021 [OPEN NOW]

Nominations deadline: Tuesday 23 November 2021 (22 days for nomination process)

Voting Begins: Wednesday 24 November 2021

Voting deadline: Friday, 10 December 2021 (16 days for voting)

Announcement of Results: Monday, 13 December 2021

Transfer of mandate from current Steering Committee to 2020-2021 Steering Committee: Saturday 1 January 2022

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TAP Storytelling: Guest Blog by Transparency International

5 July, 2021


TAP Storytelling: Guest Blog by Transparency International – Tackling Corruption as a Cornerstone of Sustainable Development

Transparency International is a global movement working to end corruption. In more than 60 countries, Transparency International’s Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres (ALACs) are trusted partners for people wanting to speak up, empowering individuals, families and communities to safely report corruption when they see it happen. Over 280,000 people have contacted ALACs since 2003.

ALACs provide free and confidential advice and support to victims and witnesses of corruption, enabling them to assert their rights, seek redress and stand up for justice. While ALACs serve the people, their impact goes beyond simply providing individual support. Transparency International gains invaluable insight from working with ALAC clients and analysing ALAC cases, which in turn, helps it to challenge systemic corruption and its causes. 

Transparency International’s work, however, is not limited to achieving SDG target 16.5, to “substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms.” Many of its ALAC cases involve corruption increasing poverty, hunger, gender inequality and other deprivations. By tackling corruption, it helps remove barriers to development. This underlines that corruption, like the other issues of SDG16, is deeply and intrinsically related to all the SDGs.

Read below an excerpt from Transparency International’s newest publication, being launched today, 5 July 2021, titled “Speaking up Locally, Driving Change Globally: True Stories of Tackling Corruption to Build a Sustainable Future”.  The section featured below specifically addresses how fighting corruption can work hand in hand with progressing the 2030 Agenda. In reading this section, one thing is clear: “When people challenge corruption in their daily lives, they play a vital role in helping achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.”

Ending corruption to enable development

Like many policy frameworks, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can sound remote from ordinary people’s lives. An urgent call to action for all countries, the 17 goals are designed to deliver peace and prosperity for people and the planet. Yet daily life is exactly what they’re all about – from having enough to eat, to getting quality education and medical care, to earning a decent living.

But every day around the world, corruption is a clear barrier to this progress. This makes fighting the corruption that people encounter as they try to live, work and learn crucial to realising the SDGs.

From ending poverty to tackling climate change, corruption is a cross-cutting issue. Left unchecked, it seriously undermines efforts to achieve the goals that world leaders have committed to and that are crucial for a sustainable future. Where corruption exists in hospitals, progress towards targets on health care will be limited. Where corruption affects schools, targets on education are unlikely to realised. Where corruption undermines service delivery, goals on poverty eradication, clean water and affordable energy will be almost impossible to achieve.  

But when people are able to tackle the corruption they encounter, they can create immediate, positive progress towards delivering the SDGs – as the stories in this report show.

Small steps towards big goals

In Sri Lanka, for example, villagers contacted the Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC) after local officials failed to deliver relief funding during the COVID-19 pandemic, depriving them of much-needed income. Supported to contact the higher authorities, they soon received the benefits they were entitled to, helping prevent hunger and poverty during lockdown.

In Palestine, a whistleblower who exposed potential fraud in his work at a government ministry was arrested and forced to resign, but the local ALAC helped him publicly challenge his treatment. The case put pressure on the government to adopt the country’s first whistleblower protection system in 2019 – encouraging more people to report wrongdoing in future.

From daily life to global change

Stories like these, and many others from ALACs around the world, show the positive impact tackling corruption has on progress towards the SDGs. And every time someone speaks out against a case of corruption, this creates a snowball effect. People’s voices add up to take change from a local level to a global one – so that the young Zimbabwean woman who overcame bribery aimed at blocking her court case for domestic abuse was promoting gender equality and access to justice as global norms. A woman in Papua New Guinea who reported land court officials for demanding illegal payments in a family dispute was standing up for decent work and economic growth. And villagers who reported a candidate from Serbia’s ruling party for seemingly trying to buy their votes with the promise of a newly paved road were promoting justice and strong institutions.

Fighting corruption is not an end in itself. It is an essential means of delivering sustainable development for all and building fairer societies in which no one is left behind. By speaking up against corruption when they encounter it, people are helping achieve the SDGs – global goals that are firmly rooted in everyone’s daily lives.

Author: Allison Matthews, ALAC Programme Lead

Photo by Transparency International

Links to more:

About TAP Storytelling: In 2021, TAP Network is launching the TAP Storytelling Initiative, which will aim to closely and frequently highlight the work of our Network through working directly with them to produce quality online content about their endeavors. Together in this initiative, we will aim to intimately spotlight the work of our Members and Partners and the challenges, successes, failures, processes and problem solving that comes with it, while also offering the chance for wide promotion through TAP’s outreach channels. We hope that these opportunities will not only offer heightened visibility of the work of our Network, but will also inspire and educate more commitments to SDG16 and transparency and accountability for the 2030 Agenda as a whole. If you are interested in spearheading this work with us, head to our TAP Membership Engagement Portal where you can find the Storytelling Form to submit your interest.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on the TAP Network Blog Platform are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the TAP Network. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion.


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A New Year at the TAP Network

February 1, 2021

A New Year at the TAP Network

By John Romano and Claudia Villalona, TAP Network Secretariat


There is no doubt that 2020 was a difficult year. The global pandemic had profound impacts on TAP’s planned programming for the year, effectively eliminating all in-person capacity-building initiatives and opportunities to mobilize at in-person events such as HLPF and the SDG16 Annual Showcase. This dramatic shift in operations for TAP led to an entirely virtual means of engagement, requiring significant time to reconfigure the strategy for mobilizing and engaging its Members and Partners. The TAP Network’s core mission is to support the membership during these especially challenging times to continue the collective work of advancing SDG16 and the 2030 Agenda. To this end, the Secretariat set up a new Membership Engagement Portal, to communicate engagement opportunities, as well as this very blog platform and “TAP Network ” vlog interview series to facilitate ongoing dialogue. 

After a tumultuous year of adapting to the reality of the pandemic, the TAP Network remains committed to providing support, resources, and opportunities to the network. In an effort to further strengthen engagement, collaboration and partnership amongst its Membership, TAP will look to continue to further develop its Members and Partners platforms in 2021. This focus on improving virtual engagement with TAP’s Members and Partners will continue to be a significant focus throughout all of 2021. 

New Steering Committee Co-Chairs

First and foremost, it is with great excitement to announce that the TAP Steering Committee has elected Ms. Jean Scrimgeour from Accountability Lab and Ms. Judith Kaulem from Poverty Reduction Forum Trust as the 2021 Co-Chairs. Peter van Sluijs from CSPPS and Judith provided invaluable leadership serving  as Co-Chairs in 2020 during a critical moment for the community. 

2021 Work Plan 

With the new year in full swing, the TAP Network is pleased to release the 2021 Work Plan, which outlines the key objectives and workstreams TAP hopes to focus on this year. After reflecting on the valuable feedback collected from members and partners during the Membership Refresh process, the TAP Secretariat and Steering Committee plan to continue to focus on strengthening virtual Membership Engagement to facilitate meaningful engagement, effective communication, and collaboration amongst the membership. 

Also on the suggestion from the membership, TAP will also prioritize its efforts around advocacy initiatives, including mobilizing around HLPF 2021, showcasing the efforts of TAP Partners’ important work, and reviewing and revising key TAP resources, including the SDG16 Advocacy toolkit. All of these aforementioned initiatives will be designed with the aim to foster ownership by providing the membership with opportunities to lead and contribute, as well as facilitating cross-member collaboration within the network. 

Membership Platform

Following up on the recent TAP Network Membership Refresh that concluded in December of 2020, the TAP Secretariat has since updated the Membership list accordingly and is in the process of building out a comprehensive Membership platform on the TAP Network website, including a membership directory and interactive map. The current work in progress can be accessed on the TAP website at The platform is designed to serve as an entry point for both network members and external audiences to get to know the membership and foster an environment of collaboration and partnership. 

SDG 16 Toolkit Update 

In 2021, TAP will also update and revise its marquee resource, the Goal 16 Advocacy Handbook, first published in 2015. The updated resource will contain new practical guidance, as well as reflections on implementation and review over the past five years. The TAP Secretariat has convened its first meeting with the lead author and the SDG16 Toolkit Advisory group, composed of TAP partners, to begin the drafting process. In the near future, the Secretariat will begin to solicit case studies from TAP partners to be featured in the toolkit. The release date is tentatively set for summer of 2021, ahead of HLPF 2021. 

Showcasing Initiatives

The TAP Secretariat will plan to offer greater opportunities for members and partners to showcase their work and amplify their message to leverage consequential, transnational spaces. To this end, the Secretariat is in the process of hiring a Communications and Outreach Associate that will dedicate themselves to advocating for the membership, deepening impact, and expanding the network’s reach. The sharing of civil society stories is key to advancing SDG16 as the framework to tackle issues relating to peace, justice, and inclusion– the foundation of the 2030 Agenda. Therefore, the secretariat is committed to raising awareness in order to center the conversation around SDG16, mobilize under the shared framework, and promote the work of civil society as a critical element to realizing the future we want. 

As the new year brings hope and new challenges, the TAP Network remains committed to supporting its membership and advancing the collective work of SDG16 and the 2030 Agenda.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on the TAP Network Blog Platform are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the TAP Network. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion.

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Mainstreaming SDG 16 Resource Launch

December 10, 2020

Mainstreaming SDG16: Using the VNRs to Advance More Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies

On behalf of the Transparency, Accountability, and Participation (TAP) Network and the Global Alliance for Reporting on Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies, we are thrilled to launch the Mainstreaming SDG16: Using the VNRs to Advance More Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies Resource Guide. 

As we continue to face the unprecedented challenges wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic amidst strained systems of governance, shrinking civic space, and growing social unrest fueled by entrenched inequalities, the vision put forth in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG16) proves to be more relevant than ever as a blueprint forward for the future we want.  With these obstacles before us, this resource aims to provide guidance to advance more peaceful, just, and inclusive societies through SDG16+, the foundational goal underpinning the 2030 Agenda, and the Voluntary National Review (VNR) process. 

The VNRs are a part of the review mechanisms for the 2030 Agenda, where member states voluntarily “conduct regular and inclusive reviews of progress at the national and sub-national levels, which are country-led and country-driven.” The VNRs are presented annually at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development as a platform to share experiences, including successes, challenges, and lessons learned. The VNR process also aims to strengthen policies and relevant institutions to mobilize multi-stakeholder efforts to implement and review the SDGs. The exponential increase in both the quality and number of VNRs since 2016 reveals their growing relevance and utility for both states and other actors. 

Even before the emergence of COVID-19, the world was falling behind on the commitments made five years earlier in the 2030 Agenda, including an alarming regression of SDG 16. This resource seeks to counter this troubling trend with policy guidance, successful case studies, and the sharing of best practices and lessons learned at the national and sub-national levels by effectively leveraging VNR and post-VNR processes. The main question this resource tackles is, “how can we ensure that the VNR is maximized for SDG 16 impact, including improved subsequent reporting?” 

The Mainstreaming SDG16 resource first introduces the 2030 Agenda, SDG16, and the VNR process. Detailed approaches to mainstreaming and accelerating SDG16 implementation by leveraging the VNR process follow. The resource’s content is structured through the role of key stakeholders at the subnational, national, and global levels. Finally, the resource is underpinned by the guiding principles that service the entire 2030 Agenda: Leave No One Behind.

Key Findings 

Approaches to strengthen the VNR design and streamlining the process with SDG 16 implementation:

For example, in the planning stage of the VNR process, immediate next steps should be identified, embedding accountability mechanisms for follow up. Post-VNR presentation follow-up at the national level could include reporting back to parliament and/or the media about the VNR presentation as well as longer-term implementation.  

Consolidating the VNR process with other reporting mechanisms and broader review frameworks leads to more coherent policy, consequential coordination, and greater impact. Additionally, streamlining these processes expands and deepens stakeholder engagement and allows for more effective use of collected data. 

The importance of accountability while practicing the “whole of government” and “whole of society” approach: 

The “whole of government” approach calls on coordinated and systematic coordination across sectors of the government and public agencies at national and subnational, local levels. This approach ensures better coordination and mobilization of public resources in the implementation and VNR review process. 

On the other hand, the “whole of society” approach refers to forms of collaborative governance that engage non-state actors, including civil society, the private sector, and the media, among others, at every step of development. By engaging civil society actors and grassroots organizations, in particular, not only strengthens the impact of implementation, but it also facilitates greater ownership, and by extension, accountability in the review process. Ultimately, civil society plays a fundamental role in advocating for inclusivity and supporting marginalized communities, filling gaps in data, and providing relevant ideas that would otherwise be overlooked. Thus, meaningful civil society engagement based on a whole of society approach is crucial for accountability in the VNR design delivery and follow-up as it reflects inclusive decision-making, effective governance, ensuring that SDG 16 is included and no one is left behind.  

The urgent need for localization to facilitate ownership and accountability, as seen in case studies of meaningful community engagement: 

Localization refers to the process of meaningfully taking into account sub-national contexts and local actors in the processes of decision-making, implementation, and review to “localize” the 2030 Agenda. More specifically, through a “ground-up” process, local actors can support the VNR and post-VNR processes. Critical to realizing the vision 2030 Agenda where no one is left behind is the meaningful inclusion and engagement of local governments and civil society at every level of the SDG process. It ensures greater accountability and inclusivity cultivated from the ground up. 

The nature of data and data reporting mechanisms, as well as financing and partnerships as they relate to the VNR process:

Adequate data collection is a persistent challenge to tracking the progress of SDG16. It affects both the coverage and quality of data available for SDG 16 targets. In the face of this challenge lies an opportunity for bringing in diverse, new stakeholders into the process of data collection, disaggregation, monitoring, and reporting. Especially within the context of the pandemic, greater innovation, and inclusivity in collecting and managing data is critical for better quality and coverage. This endeavor requires greater coordination and communication among National Statistics Offices, UN agencies, human rights institutions, civil society, and other data collectors. 

Judith Kaulem, Director of the Poverty Reduction Forum Trust in Zimbabwe and TAP Steering Committee Co-Chair explains the timely importance of this guidance resource: 

“The integral role played by the Voluntary National Reviews in the 2030 Agenda and SDGs follow-up cannot be over-emphasized…the process towards their production provides an opportune moment to localize the 2030 Agenda by rallying together all key stakeholders, thus ensuring local ownership of the Agenda. This guidance is a go-to-resource, that provides a ‘whole of society’ approach to both governments and CSOs. It includes necessary tools to take the VNR one crucial step further—to use the recommendations identified in the VNR and link it firmly into national development plans and priorities.” 

Thank you to all who joined us for the virtual global event to officially launch the resource on Monday, 14 December 2020 from 8:30 – 10:00 ET / 13:30 – 15:00 GMT. The webinar features a panelist of key experts that will provide insight and reflections as they introduce participants to the content of the resource. The virtual event also facilitated an interactive discussion between participants and practitioners. Please find the recording below, and the executive summary on the SDG16 Hub. 

Please note that the content will be updated in the weeks and months ahead, including a virtual, interactive version of the resource. Download the resource now and sign up for updates on the SDG16 Hub.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on the TAP Network Blog Platform are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the TAP Network. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion.

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TAP Network Conversations with Arelys Bellorini from World Vision

November 30, 2020

"TAP Network Conversations"

An Interview with Arelys Bellorini
TAP Partner from World Vision

For the second iteration in the series of “TAP Network Conversations,” we welcome Arleys Bellorini, representing long-time TAP Partner, World Vision. As a United Nations and SDG 16+ expert, Bellorini shares her reflections on the virtual HLPF and UNGA 2020, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how to best respond to new and existing challenges in advancing the 2030 Agenda. She also provides insight into the importance of meaningful participation of civil society at the global level, as well as the need for SDG Accountability to accelerate progress.

Full-length Version: 

Condensed Version: 

Arelys Bellorini represents World Vision as the Senior United Nations Representative (Child Rights and Sustainable Development) in New York. Most recently, she led World Vision NY-engagement on the post-2015 development agenda. In addition, she manages the organization’s relations and partnerships with key UN agencies, in particular UNICEF as well as the inter-governmental relations and civil society partnerships.

Arelys Bellorini is a sociologist graduated from Columbia University in New York and holds Graduate degrees from New York University and the Nicaraguan National Autonomous University. She has led national programmes and strategies on the promotion and full realization of children rights in Nicaragua and at sub-regional and regional level in Latin America.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on the TAP Network Blog Platform are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the TAP Network. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion.

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TAP Network Conversations with Peter van Sluijs & Judith Kaulem

July 7, 2020

Introducing "TAP Network Conversations"

An Interview with Peter van Sluijs & Judith Kaulem, TAP Steering Committee Co-Chairs 2020-2021

The first in a series of “TAP Network Conversations”, the TAP Network Steering Committee Co-Chairs share their reflections on the importance of SDG16+ in response and recovery to the COVID-19 crisis, their expectations for the 2020 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), and what to expect from the TAP Network for 2020-2021. 

Full-length Version: 

Condensed Version: 

Judith Kaulem represents the Poverty Reduction Forum Trust, where she is the Executive Director, on the TAP Network Steering Committee. Judith has worked extensively in the area of poverty, gender and human development research. The Poverty Reduction Forum Trust (PRFT) is a civil society organization founded in 2008 with the mandate to influence the formulation and implementation of pro-poor policies in Zimbabwe. It realizes this mandate through undertaking research on poverty issues, engaging with policy makers, promoting broad-based consultative dialogue and processes, as well as advocating for sustainable human development.  The PRFT’s mission is to inform and influence poverty reduction and sustainable human development through research, public dialogue and advocacy. 

Peter van Sluijs coordinates the Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS) — the South-North non-governmental coalition of peacebuilding organisations that coordinates and supports civil society participation in the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS) and New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States. CSPPS provides strategic and capacity assistance for in-country interventions working to amplify the voice of civil society in policy processes. At the global level CSPPS coordinates lobby and advocacy efforts around sustaining peace, conflict prevention, peacebuilding and statebuilding.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on the TAP Network Blog Platform are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the TAP Network. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion.

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Maximizing Virtual Engagement: A Spotlight on the 2020 HLPF​

JuLY 7, 2020

Maximizing Virtual Engagement: A Spotlight on the 2020 HLPF

The meeting of the high-level political forum on sustainable development in 2020 will be held from Tuesday, 7 July, to Thursday, 16 July 2020, under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council.

On behalf of the TAP Network Steering Committee

As the international development community and civil society around the world finalizes preparations for the 2020 High-Level Political Forum, starting today, Tuesday, 7 July, to Thursday, 16 July 2020, the world finds itself in unprecedented and challenging times. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s meeting of HLPF will be different from the years past: it will take place almost entirely in a virtual setting.

Given the TAP Network’s collective priorities for advancing SDG16 and accountability for the 2030 Agenda, we will engage extensively around 2020 HLPF and we are pleased to provide a range of virtual opportunities for engagement. You can find more information about TAP’s events and engagements on our website at 

The HLPF is an annual meeting held under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council as a platform for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Under this year’s theme of “Accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development,” the focus will be reviewing where we stand on the SDGs within the context of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as reflecting on the need for an effective response “that puts us back on track to achieve the SDGs and accelerate progress during the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development.”

Amidst this tenuous crisis, the pandemic presents an opportunity to frame the recovery and road to resilience firmly within the context of the 2030 Agenda and the realization of the SDGs. As Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated, “the 2030 Agenda is our roadmap and its goals and targets are tools to get there.” In order to make this objective a reality, civil society must not only be able to engage meaningfully in these high-level processes going forward, but it must also take a leadership role navigating the “roadmap” of the 2030 Agenda. 

In the past, processes of high-level UN meetings have “derived strength from the engagement of diverse actors including a broad range of civil society organizations (CSOs) working at various levels.” Given this unprecedented territory in terms of disruption and virtual engagement, all relevant actors must innovate to ensure that there are clear avenues of meaningful and robust civil society virtual participation. 

Over 400 civil society organizations from 115 countries put forth a joint letter to UN Member States to ensure meaningful civil society participation at the virtual HLPF. The document compellingly argues that “inclusive virtual modalities are crucial to supporting international cooperation in the spirit of multilateralism,” and therefore, an “enabling environment for all stakeholders to participate that takes into account digital divides is crucial.” Among the list on demands, the joint letter calls for inclusive side-events conducive to diverse stakeholder participation, “including a wide range of civil society led side online events to be shared in the official program” and the establishment of participatory approaches based on the “best practice of online meeting technology” to provide inputs and encourage engagement.

Secretary-General Guterres affirmed that “Looking ahead, we need to build back better…[The SDGs] provide the framework for more inclusive and sustainable economies and societies”. Civil society is the key driver in forging the implementation of the SDGs and the advancement of the 2030 Agenda. The virtual iteration of the 2020 HLPF must therefore reflect the broad spectrum of stakeholders, especially civil society– a consequential actor that has been historically absent from these discussions. This unprecedented HLPF not only has the opportunity to catalyze the SDG framework within the context of recovery from the pandemic in order to “build back better”, it also presents a chance for the UN processes to make meaningful progress in supporting the key role that civil society plays on the global stage. 

As the TAP Network Steering Committee, we underscore our commitment to empowering our members and partners at the local, national and international level in our collective work towards advancing peaceful, just and inclusive societies and accountability for the 2030 Agenda. In our extensive engagement around HLPF 2020, we aim to champion more inclusive high-level processes and provide a range of opportunities for authentic participation. Visit our TAP Network 2020 HLPF webpage that presents a wealth of information on TAP-hosted/co-organized side-events, concrete logistics in the “Background Note,” and other key TAP resources. You can also find the official program here, and the calendar of official side-events, here


We look forward to seeing you all “virtually” at HLPF! 



Sources Cited


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on the TAP Network Blog Platform are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the TAP Network. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion.

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